Sunday, 6 March 2011

Islam: Caste Or Terrorists ???

Islam is a well known caste spread all over the world. People of this caste are known as Muslims. Nowadays, this caste has become very controversial. Recently, India saw the 26/11 Mumbai Attacks. It is heard that all the terrorists were Muslims.But,can we say that Muslims are terrorists? No,never.Terrorists are the people which have ample of time to destroy this beautiful world.
Seeing this, we can't say that Muslims are terrorists but we can say that Terrorists  are Muslims.In this world, Muslims which are in the form of common man are also trapped in the trap of headlines and negative controversies.Muslims are not, at any point, at mistake, it is the media which forces these people to commit.Today also, people after seeing a Muslim point him out. Why this discrimination????? Is Muslim not a human???Muslims suffer too much discrimination, ignorance and neglection from the society. Let's see and imagine, when this discrimination will drown in the sea of castes?

Position Of Women in India !!!!

Women in India is regarded as another form of Goddess. But, in several villages,women are crucially beaten by their husbands. They are not given equal rights. in this modern age, females/women have also become a type of caste which is disrespected and neglected from the society. In urban areas, women work and earn their living but in villages,women are not even allowed to get out from their homes. It is really sad to see that the position of women in India can also extend upto that of a beggar.
The mentality of people in villages have given rise to the failure of women development and growth. Women is the only one who converts a house into a home.
Last but not the least,is the position of women in urban areas which is giving rise to a healthy women community .......

Position Of Girl Child in India !!!!

India is a place where all religions meet.India is wise in many subjects but some subjects aren't understandable by India till date.One of these is the subject of 'Girl Child'.
The position of girl child in India,mostly in villages,is poor and deteriorating day-by-day,due to the state of mind of the people which is covered by threatening rituals that are old and abnormal.
The girl child in several villages is meant as a burden and of less importance.They are crucially and brutally killed.Female foeticide is illegal but some people are not ready to see their girl achieving success.
This threatening practice is in recurrence.The mind,heart and soul of villagers are covered with dirt and filth.This crucial practice is making the countings of girls in rural areas diminute.
his can be described as licentious as people differentiate between girl and boy.They shouldn't forget that girl is also a wheel of the cycle of life,of which the boys are.Girls are living angels and they spread happiness.
Campaigns have been organised to save the girl child but nor government neither money can change people and their old ritual practices.Money can do wonders but can't change the thinking of some stubborn people.But some people are kind and literate who know the meaning of this pure word "girl"  and value her!!!
I pray God that may the Indian villagers respect and value the girl,let her achieve success ,may she be free and unbounded from these heart threatening rituals(female foeticide) and may the girl child achieve that success in the world which can't be bought by money!!!!